About Rusila

Rusila has many talents and one of them is entertaining a crowd. With such a wide song selection, she can belt out music from any genre for any event and occasion.

With music for background afternoon settings to dance music for your evening function, Rusila is available for small or larger functions with Sound and Lighting equipment provided.
If you’re looking for entertainment for ceremony, pre dinner or evening music, Rusila has you covered.

Listen to Rusila

Rusila setlist

american boy
bad moon rising
beautiful war
better man
black magic woman
blame it on the boogie
can’t help falling in love
come away with me
constant craving
don’t go breaking my heart
don’t know why
fields of gold
get lucky
give me one reason

ho hey
how long
i can’t go for that
i can’t make you love me
i heard it from the grapevine
i love you alway and forever
i still haven’t found what im looking for
i wanna dance with somebody
i’m like a bird
i’m still standing
if i ain’t got you
if i can’t have you
isn’t she lovely
it’s too late

keep on rockin’ me baby
last dance
let it rain
let’s stay together
like i’m gonna lose you
little lies
love story
loves me like a rock
maybe tomorrow
moving on up
my girl
new rules
no one
nothing breaks like a heart
naughty girl
ob-la-di, ob-la-da
one of us

say you love me
send my love to
shes the one
shut up and dance
slow hand
sunday morning
tennessee whiskey
the best
the only exception
theres nothing holding me back
these boots are for walking
thinking out loud
this masquerade
travelling soldier

wish i didn’t miss you anymore
with or without you
you belong with me
you know i’m no good
you make loving fun
young hearts run free